Amy Norman elected President of local Law Society

Butcher & Barlow are proud to announce that our Marketing Partner, Amy Norman, has been elected President of the Cheshire and North Wales Law Society. Her appointment was announced at the Society’s annual dinner on 23rd February at Chester Racecourse which was a huge success with 230 attendees.

Joe Egan, President of the Law Society of England and Wales, attended the dinner and spoke passionately about the importance of access to justice. He explained that the Law Society is advocating an increase in legal aid funding for the provision of initial legal advice in order to provide early and effective intervention in a variety of legal matters before they go to Court.

Amy organised a charity raffle on the evening with prizes being donated from local organisations and business.  The raffle raised over £1300 for her nominated charity the year, The Christie Foundation Trust.

an image of Joe Egan and Amy Norman at an industry dinner

Joe Egan and Amy Norman

Amy commented:-

“It was fantastic to see so many people from the local legal community attend our annual dinner. It demonstrates what a committed region we are and which showed lots of promise for the future of our profession with guests from the Junior Lawyers Division and the University or Law.  I am proud to have commenced my presidency with a thoroughly enjoyable evening and was pleased to be able to raise so much money for a cause so close to my heart.”

The firm supported Amy at her first event as President with a number of Butcher & Barlow staff and their guests attending the dinner.

The after dinner entertainment was provided by comedian and impressionist Les Gibson, of Britain’s Got Talent fame.

Amy and her Committee are planning a number of events in the next calendar year so we expect that she will be kept extremely busy. Congratulations once again Amy!

an image of Butcher & Barlow + guests at the Law Society's 2018 dinner

Butcher & Barlow and their Guests

an image of Butcher & Barlow LLP at an industry function

Butcher & Barlow and their Guests

an image of a group of Butcher & Barlow employees

Joe Egan, Jon Pitt, Amy Norman, Bushra Ali and Stephen Mahoney

an image of three Butcher & Barlow employees

Charlotte Toothill, Sarah Askey and Cath Gregson